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Some Thoughts on First Timothy (11)

What role does the preacher play or have in the local congregation? Looking at 4:11-16, we notice the following:

First, everything Paul wrote up to this point (1:1-4:10) must be taught.

Second, if he is a young man (as Timothy was), he must not allow others to look down on him because of his youthfulness, he can best “combat” this by giving attention to the way he speaks (preaches), the life he lives in action, the love he shows to others, the faith that he exhibits in his handling of life’s ordinary problems, the purity of the way he lives his life, and is he an example to others. People pay attention to things like this. They will note failures, but if these qualities abound, the failures will be passed over without much thought.

Third, he is to be a “man of the book” or, in other words, a man who puts much emphasis on a “thus saith the Lord.” He is not to preach opinions, politics, feel-good stories – unless they have a direct connection to what the Scriptures teach. Anything that has man has the source-origin is not worthy of attention, or very little attention. e is not to preach his opinion

Fourth, he is to take the necessary time to give attention to these things. That means, he must devote hour on hours to study so he is prepared to teach others. Recommendation: Bible reading: 10 Old Testament chapters daily, 15 New Testament chapters daily, then exegetical work.

NOTE: Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in 4:14 is an exclusive point of application to Timothy, not those in today’s pulpit (cf. 1:18; 2 Tim. 1:6).

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