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If you have a competitive spirit within you, if you are driven to succeed in some endeavor in which you are engaged, then you understand the importance of receiving recognition for the work done, for placing first in a race. When a person turns to you and asks you to accomplish a hard task, it is only natural that at the end of the task you would like to hear not only “Thank you”, but something along the line, but some expression of gratitude that appreciates your willingness to do it and your accomplishment at getting it done.

This is not a matter of soothing one’s ego; it is a matter of 1) a recognition of a person’s capability, 2) a desire to tap into a person’s need to feel needed, 3) an appreciation of work done the right way, and 4) satisfaction that your efforts are not wasted on fruitless ends.

Fruitless ends? Do you not want what you accomplish to have purpose? You do, of course. Yet, if you turn around and look behind you and wonder for what purpose you did this or that, it breeds discouragement, frustration, and, ultimately, a turning away. “Why do this if there is no gratitude, no appreciation, no end result that benefits other people?”

The Lord’s wisdom cries out, willing to give counsel to all who will take the time to hear and listen to His word. To turn away from His counsel because you see little purpose because it’s restrictive, the Lord’s response to you will correspond to your lack of gratitude, appreciation for what He has done. It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the One and only living God. Your life will come to a fruitless end. RT

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