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Peace of Mind

Some will look at Proverbs 2 and see the exhortation and admonition, interpreting it exclusively as a warning to males to stay away from females not belonging to them. This certainly is a significant teaching of the chapter, but not an exclusive one.

The Holy Spirit has more in mind that just that. The wisdom that comes from God permeates all areas of life, both the sensual, emotional, intellectual, and moral. The knowledge of God (2:5) is more that just a sensual warning against stepping out on the wife of one's youth.

The effectiveness of the Word of God in a person's life is that it educates and reshapes a person to be different than the world around him (and her). It gives a moral and spiritual compass that surpasses anything of this world and it moves the one who "abides in God" beyond this life to the life He prepared for us after the sensual, physical life we live is over.

As you look at the proverbs, be sure to remember the exhortations from the Lord are more than warnings from delving into sensuality. In them we have a peace of the Lord's mind.

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